Volume 3 Number 2
June 2008 - ISSN 1718-8482
A Review of Potential Health Benefits of Flavonoids
Patel, Jay M.
Exorcizing Female Power in The Faerie Queene : The Treatment of Duessa in the Book of Holiness
Jeyathurai, Dashini Ann
Found in Translation: Strategies by which Translators Render the Fables of Jean de la Fontaine Accessible to Anglophone Readers
Christian, Mary
Immigration in the U.S.: Should the U.S. take a more or less restrictive approach to immigration?
Brendel, Sven
Inching Towards Harmonization: Immigration Controls Along the Canada-United States Border, 1882-1910
Matieyshen, Cory
Plastic Materials and Environmental Externalities: Structural Causes and Corrective Policy
Flores, Mario C.
Splash or Ripple: The Effect of Darwinian Thought in Latter 19th and Early 20th Century North America
Khan, Jon
The Criminal Prosecution of Juveniles: A Philosophical Reappraisal of Adolescent Agency
Rhodes, Kristin
The 'Legend of the Grand Inquisitor': Moral Transformation in The Brothers Karamazov
Miller, Nicholas Rourke
The Relationship Between Colour and Identity in the Literature of Nella Larsen and Richard Wright
Hudson, Elisabeth
The Right to Privacy and Its Potential to be a Harbinger of Inequality
Berenji, Shahin BA
We Return Fighting: A Comparative Analysis of Three American Riot Cities between 1917-1921
Lillegard, Theresa M.