Volume 4 Number 1
January 2009 - ISSN 1718-8482
A Personal Philosophy on the Importance of Music Education
Galinski, Tristan
A Twist on Diversity: The Influence of Age, Gender, and Culture on Peer Instruction
Saunders, Cheston
Combining GPR and historical aerial photographs to investigate river channel morphodynamics, Oldman River, southern Alberta
Labey, Katie , St.Pierre, Heather , Sundsten, Jennifer , Seaman, Oliver
Edward's Prayers, Elizabeth's Settlement: The 1549, 1552, and 1559 Books of Common Prayer
Huelskamp, Benjamin Z.
Evaluation of University of Buffalo's ADHD Summer Treatment Program developed by Dr. William Pelham, Jr., based on evidence-based treatments of ADHD
Davis, Katie
Evidence of Contemporary Modern Human Evolution Contained Within the Human Genome
Platter, Branden E.
Examining the Current Abuse of the Doctrine of Eminent Domain
Williams, Amanda
From Lip Service to Neglect: The Evolution of Canadian Foreign Policy and the Darfur Genocide
Yorke, Samuel
"I impregnated a girl, what should I do?": A case study of using theater for development to promote critical thinking in Uganda
Botman, Mara
Micro-financing potential in FYR Macedonia
Barker, Michael Ross
My Heart Knows When to Beat Faster: : How the Human Body Anticipates its own Needs During Exercise
Willms, Joanna
Popular Culture and Punishment: The History of Non-Violent Theft
Mantle, Michael
The Portrayal of the 1718 'Sicily Crisis' by Period English Newspapers
Pikkert, Owen
The Vietnam and Iraq Wars: The Antithesis of Realism
Booth, Logan S.
Understanding and Sense: Investigating William Blake's "Ah! Sunflower"
Shah, Bilal A.
Wild and Ferocious: Language and Colonialism in Christianity Studies
Volpicelli, Robert